Sunday, December 6, 2009

Week 15: That's a wrap!

Just as predicted, Old Man Winter decided to finally make an appearance and it looks as though he is here to stay. So, it was perfect timing that the workers got the final windows in place and the building wrapped in preparation for the final application of the siding. 

Here are a few images of the process of wrapping. Our building now looks all nice and snug, and with the red taping we can imagine that it is a very large Christmas present just for us!

In two of the photos above, you will see the van from our trusted electrician, Wayne’s Electric. They are taking care of all the lighting and wiring for the building, as well as getting the machinery hooked up and ready to go. This week, Doug installed the main electrical panel in the workshop utility room and a step-down transformer for the machinery.

You can also see the boiler on the wall for the in-floor heating system (the grey box on the right wall). It is amazing to me that such a small unit can heat this whole building. And here is a detail of the various pressure valves that control the 3 heating zones (main workshop, finishing/packing area, office).

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