Saturday, November 7, 2009

Week 11: Show me some skin

After last week’s snow, we were a little concerned about what the weather had in store for us, but thankfully, the whole week was sunny and beautiful - perfect for more construction progress. The next project on the agenda was to skin the framing with plywood, which really helped to give the building’s skeleton a feeling of three-dimensionality.

In addition to the plywood on the walls, you can see how the floor joists for the office level have been installed. Plywood is then laid over top in preparation for installation of the concrete flooring.

Here is a view from our front vestibule, looking up at what will become our staircase to the office level.

Here is another view from the vestibule, looking toward the entrance to the workshop and beyond. I find it so enjoyable to see these spaces taking shape.

This image is taken inside the workshop from the northwest corner, just outside the utility room. You can see how almost all the walls have been completed.

And here is a view from outside the southwest corner at the end of the week. Next week – roof!

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