Friday, October 2, 2009

Week 6: Shaking the foundations

It has only been 6 weeks and the rebuilding has started! We are thrilled with the progress we are making. Now, if only Mother Nature will cooperate - I think she owes us one, don’t you? Please keep your fingers crossed for a dry autumn.

The first job was to get the ground excavated for the new addition and to have the footings poured, as well as some minor touch-ups to the old foundation. The excavators that took down the remainder of the old building were a little over-zealous at times.

The week started off with rain on Monday (very disheartening), but luckily Tuesday cleared up enough to start the work on the footings. The trenches were dug and the concrete forms created.

I was not sure how long this whole process would take, but in only three days the forms were coming off and the new foundation footings were complete!

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